Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Central Idea Term 4 How We Express Ourselves

In the Gr. 3/4/5 classroom, we have been working on the Exhibition and our central idea for Term 4. We are currently working on selecting our theme song. Next week, we are going to share about who we have chosen as our inspiration. We are currently doing a mind map how people express themselves. Our central idea is "People are inspired and express their uniqueness."

On 15/04/2014 we were talking about the components of our exhibition. There are 5 different components; visual arts, performing arts, expressive written arts, our choice and a report about an inspiring person. We almost decided our theme song. Our two choices are "Happy" and "Best Day of My Life". We would like you to come to our Exhibition on Friday 6th of June.

The areas where our exhibition will be in the Creative Design Lab and in the hall. In the Creative Design Lab, we are having a art gallery. In the hall it will be a exhibition area where we will have our performing arts presentation.   

We are writing about different ways we can express ourselves.

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